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Star Wars 7x7: A Daily Bite-Sized Dose of Star Wars Joy

Star Wars 7x7 is Rebel-rousing fun for everyday Jedi, 7-ish minutes a day, 7 days a week. Join host Allen Voivod for Star Wars news, history, interviews, trivia, and deep dives into the Star Wars story as told in live action, animation, books, comics, games, and more. Subscribe now for your daily dose of Star Wars joy. It's destiny unleashed! #SW7x7

Sep 6, 2024

Yes, we're still on hiatus, but we couldn't wait until November to share this conversation with you. We're psyched to welcome Doug Burton to the podcast to talk about the Heroine's Labyrinth - an alternative to the Hero's Journey. We'll apply it to Leia's story in A New Hope, and about how this story structure applies to other original trilogy and prequel trilogy movies. Punch it!


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And may the Force be with you, wherever in the world you may be.