Jan 27, 2018
It's one thing to merely read Shakespeare, and it's another thing entirely to see it performed. By the same token, it's one thing to merely read The Force Doth Awaken, the Shakespearean-style adaptation of The Force Awakens by Ian Doescher. But it's another entirely to bring it to life in an audiobook performance....
Apr 3, 2017
How did the Guavian Death Gang and Kanjiklub learn of their mutual investments in Han Solo's rathtar hunt? C-3PO spilled the beans. The details today... Punch it!
***We’re listener supported! Go to http://Patreon.com/sw7x7 to donate to the Star Wars 7x7 podcast, and you’ll get some fabulous rewards for your...
Nov 3, 2016
Was Starkiller Base made from Ilum, once home to the Jedi's stash of kyber crystals? Or is it another planet? Star Wars: Complete Locations offers conflicting details... Punch it!
***We’re listener supported! Go to http://Patreon.com/sw7x7 to donate to the Star Wars 7x7 podcast, and you’ll get some fabulous rewards...
Nov 2, 2016
In my next look at The Force Awakens material from Star Wars: Complete Locations, Episode VIII action is hinted at by the info on Maz's Castle and the Resistance Base. Punch it!
***We’re listener supported! Go to http://Patreon.com/sw7x7 to donate to the Star Wars 7x7 podcast, and you’ll get some fabulous rewards...
Nov 1, 2016
What secrets are hiding on Jakku and in Rey's AT-AT? We're going to find out together, as I share details from the new Star Wars: Complete Locations. Punch it!
***We’re listener supported! Go to http://Patreon.com/sw7x7 to donate to the Star Wars 7x7 podcast, and you’ll get some fabulous rewards for your...