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Star Wars 7x7: A Daily Bite-Sized Dose of Star Wars Joy

Star Wars 7x7 is Rebel-rousing fun for everyday Jedi, 7-ish minutes a day, 7 days a week. Join host Allen Voivod for Star Wars news, history, interviews, trivia, and deep dives into the Star Wars story as told in live action, animation, books, comics, games, and more. Subscribe now for your daily dose of Star Wars joy. It's destiny unleashed! #SW7x7

Jan 5, 2018

Console games, mobile games, and virtual reality - for a while there, we thought that we were going to get a lot more storytelling out of the new releases. That we were going to learn more about that galaxy far, far away with every new release. Well, it seems that won't exactly be the case, based on 2017 and what little...

Dec 17, 2017

Today's the last day of being saved from spoilers on the podcast - starting in the numbered episodes, I'll be digging into The Last Jedi in full-spoiler detail. For now, enjoy this look at the final sequences of Star Wars Battlefront II, which cover the Battle of Jakku and the fate of Garrick Versio (Iden's dad); and...

Dec 13, 2017

Safe Week continues! Less than two days until The Last Jedi appears in theaters, and until then (and for a couple of days afterward for folks who don't see the movie on opening day), I'll be digging into the story of Star Wars Battlefront II, which follows the further exploits of Iden Versio and Inferno Squad. Today,...

Apr 5, 2016

From my Faster and More Intense Podcast interview with Shiloh Kamrath (thanks for the invite!), in which we discuss Star Wars Virtual Reality. Punch it!

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Sep 2, 2015

Star Wars Commander just celebrated its first anniversary, and it's the biggest phenomenon in Star Wars since...well, Star Wars itself. Punch it!


***We’re listener supported! Go to to donate to the podcast, and you’ll get some fabulous rewards for your pledge.*** 


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