Jun 30, 2015
In Star Wars #6, Luke uses the Force to knock Boba Fett out with a flying box to the helmet. Which begs the question - is Boba Fett a chump? Punch it!
***We’re listener supported! Go to http://Patreon.com/sw7x7 to donate to the podcast, and you’ll get some fabulous rewards for your pledge.***
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Jun 29, 2015
In season 1, episode 5, "Rookies" makes mincemeat of a bunch of new clone recruits. Our Canon Catch-up series rides again... Punch it!
***We’re listener supported! Go to http://Patreon.com/sw7x7 to donate to the podcast, and you’ll get some fabulous rewards for your pledge.***
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Jun 28, 2015
You've got to be able to do better than 18 right and five wrong, we hope. Can you beat host Allen Voivod in Star Wars Trivia this week? Punch it!
***We’re listener supported! Go to http://Patreon.com/sw7x7 to donate to the podcast, and you’ll get some fabulous rewards for your pledge.***
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Jun 27, 2015
Greg Grunberg shares the exceitement (and a character tease) about The Force Awakens, a toy package dishes new First Order details, and more. Punch it!
***We’re listener supported! Go to http://Patreon.com/sw7x7 to donate to the podcast, and you’ll get some fabulous rewards for your pledge.***
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Jun 26, 2015
Morgan Stanley (really?!) jumped their box office prediction for The Force Awakens by 22%, to $1.95 billion. Are they aiming too low? Punch it!
***We’re listener supported! Go to http://Patreon.com/sw7x7 to donate to the podcast, and you’ll get some fabulous rewards for your pledge.***
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